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Delegated Decisions - Openness Regulations

Committee Details
06 May 2014 - onwards
  • Meetings
  • Members
  • Other Information


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Committee Membership Filters
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There are no elected members on the specified date for this committee.
Committee Clerk
Michelle Rowe
01223 699180

Other Information

Delegated Decisions (Record of Decisions Taken by Officers) – Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014: As soon as reasonable practicable after an officer has made a decision either: (i) under an express authorisation from the Council, its committees, sub committees or any joint committee; or (ii) under a general authorisation where the effect of the decision is to:- (a) grant a permission or licence; (b) affect the rights of an individual; (c) award contracts of incur expenditure over £250,000. A written statement will be produced which includes:- (i) a record of the decision including the date it was made; (ii) a record of the reasons for the decision; (iii) details of any alternative options considered and rejected by the officer making the decision; and (iv) a record of the name of any member of the Council who has declared an interest (for decisions taken under this Rule (an express delegation) only). Any record prepared in accordance with this Rule, together with any background papers considered by the officer and relevant to the decision shall be made available for public inspection. Please see section 8 of Part 4.2 – Access to Information, Part 4 – Rules of Procedure of the Council’s Constitution for further information.