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Decision Confirmed
Mental Health S75 Agreement Extension
Details of decision Proposed/Taken

Adults and Health Committee is asked to:

a) approve the extension of the existing Mental Health Social Work Section 75 Agreement for 2 years on a 1+1 basis from 1 April 2025 at a total value of £1,250,090 per annum. This represents £2,500,180 for the total contract period and will be adjusted for future inflationary uplifts agreed as part of the established business planning process.

b) delegate authority for awarding and executing of any subsequent extension periods to the Executive Director for Adults, Health, and Commissioning, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair.

Date Decision Taken at Committee
Thu 10 Oct 2024
Adults Health and Commissioning
Contact for Background Papers:
Background Papers:
Decision Type:
Decision Maker:
Patrick Warren-Higgs
Is Decision County Wide:
Budget Provision:


The budgeted investment in this service for 2024/25 is £1,250,090. Performance

Currently, performance is monitored and managed through well-established monthly ‘Operational’ and ‘Finance and Performance’ meetings attended by key individuals from within CCC and CPFT (Commissioning, Contracts, Finance and Operations). Progress against a work plan, outcomes and care costs are discussed, reviewed and actions managed via an Actions Log. Performance reports are then made into the Executive Director as part of CCC’s governance and oversight arrangements.

Performance is consistently good or in line with other CCC service areas. For example, during 2023/24, there were 339 assessments completed, averaging 28 per month over the year and the average turnaround time for assessments was 40 days. During quarter 1 of 2024/25, there were 25 assessments completed on average per month, with an average turnaround time of 36 days. This compares to an average turnaround of 27 days for Older People & Physical Disability and 48 days for Learning Disability. The majority (89%) of assessments are referred in from the Community / Other route rather than via hospital discharge. There were no significant variations to all expected levels of service activity (such as waiting lists, numbers of assessments and reviews, safeguarding cases).

Feedback from people using the MHSWS is balanced with 31 compliments logged from a range of people coming into contact with the service during 2023/24. Some examples are included in Appendix B. There were 14 formal complaints recorded in the same period, which was a significant decrease from the 27 reported in 2022/23. Of these, only five were partially upheld and two upheld, while others were either not upheld (3), closed due to insufficient info (2) or transferred to a different process (2). The majority of complaints (10) were made around MH Social Work assessments – communications and outcomes or lack of support.

However, in November 2023, a routine audit from the Council’s Quality and Practice Standards Team indicated concerns in social work mental health team practice in key activity areas such as assessments, reviews and care and support planning. As a result of this, a deep dive audit into key areas of improvement identified is currently being progressed.

An independent review of the AMHP Service took place during 2023/24; in the face of increasing demand for Mental Health Act assessments and concerns over the capacity of the service to meet future demand there are recommended future changes to the delivery model for both the daytime and the out of hours service as well as the recording of activity in MOSAIC (CCC’s care record system). 3.8 During 2023/24, there were significant challenges with vacancies to key positions within the Mental health leadership team including both Heads of Social Work for Adults Mental Health and more recently the Head of Older Peoples Social Work, as well as the AMHP team manager post. However, there are now either appointments made or being recruited to for all posts, together with interim arrangements in place.

Decision Options:
See report

Decision Criteria

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Overview and Scrutiny

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Decision History

Date & Time CreatedUser Full NameStatus DescriptionDetails
 Page 1 of 1, items 1 to 3 of 3.
11/10/2024 11:55:02Richenda GreenhillBusiness Item Created 
11/10/2024 11:55:30Richenda GreenhillStatus ChangedDecision Confirmed [6]
11/10/2024 11:56:58Richenda GreenhillGeneral Details Edited 


No history found.