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Prioritise the necessary works on the A605 at King’s Dyke Bridge and on the B1040 South of the Dog-in-a-Doublet so that the traffic restrictions strangling Whittlesey can be removed as soon as possibl
In February 2024, flooding caused damage to the banking and safety railings on the B1040 in Whittlesey, just south of the Dog-in-a Doublet. Temporary traffic lights were installed enforcing two-way single lane traffic movement on the affected part of the road.  This has created long traffic queues on the B1040.

In June 2024, County Highways announced that the A605 in Whittlesey at King's Dyke Bridge would be restricted using temporary traffic lights with two-way single lane traffic movement 'for just over a week' whilst cracks in the bridge supports werre investigated.  This has created long queues on the A605.

The B1040 and the A 605 are the only direct roads between Whittlesey and Peterborough, with several tens of thousands of vehicle movements every weekday.

Every year, the B1040 floods, as it is part of the Whittlesey Washes flood plain.  When the B1040 closes because of flooding, only the A605 is left as a direct road route between Whittlesey and Peterborough.

At the time of writing this petition, there have been restrictions on the B1040 for eight months, and restrictions on the A605 at King's Bridge for four months, strangling traffic into and out of Whittlesey, particularly at peak hours.  RESIDENTS AND WORKERS IN WHITTLESEY ARE FED UP WITH SO MANY MONTHS OF INFURIATING DELAYS.

This petition calls on Cambridgeshire Highways to prioritise the works necessary by contractors on the A605 at King's Dyke and on the B1040 by the Dog-in-a-Doublet so that the temporary traffic lights can be removed from both locations, permitting the normal flow of traffic to be resumed as soon as possible.
Not Specified
Thursday, 10 October 2024
Friday, 11 April 2025
Saeed Arman
This petition currently has 947 signatures in total.
Petition Signatories
947 electronic signatures
 Page 1 of 95, items 1 to 10 of 947.
Sue Acraman
John Acraman
Guy Adams
Bryan Adams
Vilma Adams
Cathy Aidley
Zara Aldridge
Sasha Allen
Robert Allen
Paul Allen
This petition has been reviewed and the following response has been offered:
 Page 1 of 96, items 1 to 10 of 952.
31/01/2025 18:50Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Nigel SmithPetition Active
31/01/2025 18:48Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Tracey MartinPetition Active
30/01/2025 16:06Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Roger EllingtonPetition Active
30/01/2025 16:05Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Paula LoadesPetition Active
29/01/2025 18:48Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Lorraine BarsbyPetition Active
28/01/2025 14:38Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Andrew DickmanPetition Active
28/01/2025 13:35Unregistered UserPetition Signed: M GouveiaPetition Active
28/01/2025 08:46Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Casey SmithPetition Active
27/01/2025 17:16Unregistered UserPetition Signed: Clare CrawleyPetition Active
27/01/2025 16:17Unregistered UserPetition Signed: JUNE STRICKLEPetition Active

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